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The Illuminati Card Game

“An Astonishing Article Series about the Card Deck by Steve Jackson”


— The Illuminati Card Game Mystery—

About the Article Series

The Illuminati Card Game is more than just entertainment you buy at a play store. Most analysts who looked deeper into the deck realized that topics depicted within are, in many ways, a form of collective archetypes—like a classical tarot set. Even more, it is plain to see that these cards depicted profound events that happened years after the game got released. A graphic example is the cards that predicted 9/11. Therefore, the Illuminati Card game could be considered an oracle that foresaw specific trends and events.

I wrote this series of articles during the lockdown in 2020 for those people who card game that felt that there was some deeper mystery to it. The motivation arose from the fact that even the event based on the “virus of unknown origins” was predicted in the deck. At the end of 2022, I had to rebuild my website, which made me edit and reorder my articles.

My ambition is to show you the correlation between real-life events and the connection with the Illuminati Brotherhood. Accordingly, I will refer those cards to corresponding conspiracy theories and what the card tells us about the organization behind it and their agenda in a subtle encrypted, and sometimes straightforward fashion.

— Christian Köhlert

Author of the Article Series

Articles about the Illumnati Card Game

Written by Christian Köhlert

The Illuminati Card Game Mystery

The Illuminati Card Game Mystery

For the last 15 years, the Illuminati Card Game has stunned me on many occasions. Whenever a big event shaped the collective reality, a corresponding Illuminati Card was already there, representing that specific event. It seems like the deck contains all the secret methods and tactics used by the real powers. Undoubtedly, these cards have a prophetic quality. To me, they also represented a little glimpse into the Illuminati’s holistic agenda and their mysterious plan of the ages.

9/11 and the Illuminati Card Game

9/11 and the Illuminati Card Game

In this 2nd part of the Illuminati Card Game article series, I want to show how 9/11 was encoded in the deck. The cards I will present to you were the first indication that the game has a prophetic nature since the cards were released before the event. This raises many questions if you don’t believe in a mere coincidence which will become increasingly harder once you read all the other articles in this series. I will address this phenomenon in my last chapter and link you to other examples where the circumstances of the 9/11 event have been predicted or “channeled” in pop-culture artwork.

Celebrities predicted by the Illuminati Cards

Celebrities predicted by the Illuminati Cards

In this 3rd part of the Illuminati Card Game article series, I want to show how Celebrities of the 20th century got coded into the deck. The cards I will present to you have a prophetic nature since they were released before the people emerged on the collective stage. This raises many questions if you don’t believe in a mere coincidence. Holding on to the concept of chance or luck will become increasingly harder once you read all the other articles in this series—especially if you go into the mystery of 9/11 and how it got predicted by the Illuminati Card Game

Combined Disasters of the Illuminati Cards

Combined Disasters of the Illuminati Cards

In this 4th part of the Illuminati Card Game article series, I want to show how the Fukushima “nuclear incident” of 2011 got coded into the deck. The cards I will present to you are prophetic since they were released before the event unfolded in Japan. This raises many questions if you don’t believe in a mere coincidence. Clutching to the idea of chance or luck will become increasingly harder once you read all the other articles in this series—especially if you go into the mystery of 9/11 and how it got predicted by the Illuminati Card Game. In my previous treatise, I showed how this precognition phenomenon is found in specific Celebrities foreshadowed in the deck.

The Illuminati Cards predicted Trends & Events

The Illuminati Cards predicted Trends & Events

In this 5th part of the Illuminati Card Game article series, I want to show how the deck has predicted specific trends and events. The cards I will present to you have a prophetic aspect since they were released before the headlines emerged in the collective realm—or at least, these memes were not as significant before. This raises many questions if you don’t believe in a mere coincidence. Clutching to the idea of pure concurrency will become even more challenging once you digested all the other articles in this series—especially if you go into the mystery of 9/11 and how it got predicted by the Illuminati Card Game.

The Illuminati Sniper Card & JFK Connection

The Illuminati Sniper Card & JFK Connection

In this 6th part of the Illuminati Card Game article series, I want to look at the deeper implications symbolized by the “Sniper” card in connection with the assassination of John F. Kennedy. The cards I will present all concern methods and principles of how the System deals with individuals of the upper echelons if they become obsolete. These are not cards that predict specific events but describe strategies implemented repeatedly in history. The J.F.K. assassination is a perfect example because it is one of the most investigated conspiracies and follows a particular methodology described in the Illuminati Card Game.

The Illuminati Card Game Epidemic

The Illuminati Card Game Epidemic

This is the 7th part of my Illuminati Card Game series, and now, we go straight into the 2020 Epidemic and the broader implications of this event. I hope you made yourself familiar with the first part of my graphic essay. In the previous sections, I expected to have established some credibility, presenting the long history of predictions or successful forecasts the card deck provided. If you have never heard of the Illuminati Cards before and know nothing about this game, I highly recommend reading the first part before starting with this one. You will appreciate it. Now we will look at how the cards foreshadowed specific details of a global pandemic.

The Illuminati Card “Population Reduction”

The Illuminati Card “Population Reduction”

In this 8th part of the Illuminati Card Game article series, I only want to discuss the “Population Reduction” card. In my previous article, I could show you that the “Epidemic” and the “Center for Disease Control” are present in the set and are considered tools to reach a specific goal. One of these goals in the game could be appointed by the “Population Reduction” card. When it comes to real-life Illuminati, I could never forget the eerie whistleblower interview about the “Anglo-Saxon-Mission,” which got released in 2010, and in which a former high-ranking officer of the British navy intelligence talked about a secret plan amongst the elites to reduce the population by instigated pandemics that would start in China.

The Philosophy behind the Illuminati Card Game

The Philosophy behind the Illuminati Card Game

In this 9th part of the Illuminati Card Game series, I will talk about the philosophy of the real-world secret society that also reflects in the cards. As I presented in my previous articles, critical past events have been predicted, and the game has anticipated even the current wave of transformation initiated by the “Epidemic.” We might also find aspects of the possible future in the deck. Before I talk about that, we need to understand that the Illuminati believe that we are just “players” inside a form of super-realistic simulacrum—a Matrix, if you will—and the game is about love and fear.

Worst Future Predictions by the Illuminati Cards

Worst Future Predictions by the Illuminati Cards

In this 10th part of the Illuminati Card Game series, I will look into the crystal ball and list the worst future predictions reflected in the cards. As I presented in my previous articles, essential past events have been predicted, and the game has foreseen even the current wave of transformation initiated by the “Epidemic.” We might also find aspects of the possible future in the deck. To understand the more profound implications, I offered the philosophy and agenda of the real-life Illuminati in my last article—the 9th part of the series.

Best Future Outcomes in the Illuminati Cards

Best Future Outcomes in the Illuminati Cards

In this 11th part of the Illuminati Card Game series, I will look again into the crystal ball and list the best future outcomes reflected in the cards. As I presented in my previous articles, essential past events have been predicted, and the game has foreseen even the current wave of transformation started by the “Epidemic.” We might also find facets of the possible future in the deck. Accordingly, I began to talk about the “worst possible outcome” that I could see in the deck of cards in my previous article.

The Illuminati Wild Cards in the Game

The Illuminati Wild Cards in the Game

In this 12th part of the Illuminati Card Game series, I will look once more into the crystal ball and list all the wild card scenarios reflected in the cards. As I presented in one of my previous articles, essential past events have been predicted, and the game has envisioned even the current surge of transformation prompted by the “Epidemic.” We might also find facets of the possible future in the deck. Accordingly, I began to talk about the “worst possible outcome” and the “best future scenarios” I could see in the deck of cards in my previous articles.

— The Illuminati Card Game Mystery—

About the Illuminati Game

In September 1981, Steve Jackson and his regular freelance cover artist Dave Martin shared their affection for the Illuminatus! Trilogy, and the latter proposed a game. Steve Jackson decided against adopting the fiction because of the payment of game rights and the predicament of adapting a story with such a complex plot. He chose “a game about the secret-conspiracy idea behind Illuminatus!” as viable.

After researching the Illuminati, conspiracy theories, and “extensive and vigorous playtesting,” it went on the market in July 1982 in the usual SJG Pocket Box format. Over the next few years, three expansions for the Pocket Box Illuminati game were published. The first two were substantially incorporated into the deluxe edition, while the 3rd version would become Illuminati: Brainwash.

Robert Shea provided a four-paragraph introduction to the rulebook for the Illuminati Expansion Set 1 (1983), in which he wrote:

“Maybe the Illuminati are behind this game. They must be—they are, by definition, behind everything.

Steve Jackson Games also released a collectible card game version called Illuminati: New World Order and a stand-alone version called Illuminati: Crime Lords. SJG also developed some Illuminated role-playing game modules for its GURPS system, including GURPS Illuminati, GURPS Illuminati University and GURPS Warehouse 23.

— The Illuminatti Card Game Mystery —

Overview of the Cards in my Articles

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