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“Secret TV” was the name of the first pay-tv channel in Germany to offer documentaries and lectures for topics that mainstream media (MSM) would not seriously cover. It was developed by German author Jan van Helsing and produced thousands of feeds.

In 2009, I took the position of chief editor. Although I could implement a new line of content and gain production, the project could not compete with the YouTube revolution and the consequential avalanche of free content.

The project ended in 2011, and I focused on other priorities in my life. Still, I feel like sharing a bigger vision of life as it was intended with Secret TV. Therefore, I want to share some rare gems from YouTube that answer the most profound questions: Where did we come from, and where are we going? What is consciousness, and what is the fabric of this reality made of? Are we alone?

I will guide you through a collection of documentaries and lectures that will expand your consciousness—as those videos did with me at some point. Hence, my summaries and comments guide you through this pool of wisdom.

—Christian Köhlert

Principal of Mayamagik LLC

The Conspiracy Theory Of Everything

The first documentary I like to recommend is called “The Conspiracy Theory of Everything,” made by the great team of Spirit Science. As the title suggests, the movie connects various dots that we also covered at Secret TV.

The filmmakers connect on all interconnected topics the System conducts in secrecy. Even though I would not subscribe to every detail and conclusion, I recommend this flick because it gives a great overview of conspiracy reality and the underlying spiritual implications.

Pyramids and Pole Shifts

The documentary “The Revelation of the Pyramids” is a bombshell in disguise. It comes along as just another film that wants to wonder about the mystery of ancient monumental buildings—just as many authors like Erich von Däniken did before—but then it hits you with accurate answers.

Those pyramids profoundly embedded some secrets with tremendous implications. I wrote about it in detail in my “Phoenix Hypothesis,” and this movie is an essential pillar of this argumentation. Since YT eased the film from its database, you can still find it here.

The Simulation Hypothesis

In all mystic traditions and holistic philosophies, we find the idea that reality is not what it seems. This reflects in the Vedic concept of the Maya, Plato’s cave analogy, or the concept of the Matrix in modern pop culture.

The Simulation Hypothesis is just the scientific approach to understanding this phenomenon. This documentary explains the Simulacrum and presents all circumstantial evidence that we live in a Matrix. We also wrote an article based on this movie.

More Mindblowing Documentaries

If the collection on this page is not enough, we are working on an extended collection of documentaries and lectures that blow your mind and expand your consciousness.

The Phoenix Hypothesis

The Phoenix Hypothesis

Most analysts of these cataclysmic cycles believe in a recurring pole shift accompanied by widespread Earth changes such as global quakes, volcanic eruptions, and massive floods before an abrupt redistribution of climate zones occurs. This global geophysical reset is further associated with solar flares, a concept Dr. Paul LaViolette calls the “Galactic Super Wave.” Furthermore, there is a claim that the synchronicity of events correlates with the flyby of a planet—known as Planet X or Nibiru. This event is known as the Phoenix Phenomena. Hence, the name of this hypothesis.

How Realistic is a Pole Shift Scenario?

How Realistic is a Pole Shift Scenario?

This is the first part of the argumentation of my core thesis which explains the fundamental concept that the earth is undergoing cataclysmic cycles. Accordingly, this article is just an extract from the bigger argument. Therefore, I recommend that you read my Phoenix Hypothesis first before you go into details regarding the pole shift theory. Unless you are here to learn merely about the possibilities of an earth’s crust displacement, you should first understand the bigger picture of current global affairs.

Could Nibiru Trigger a Pole Shift?

Could Nibiru Trigger a Pole Shift?

Even if it is one of the most ridiculed subjects in connection with the pole shift, the Nibiru theory is nevertheless worth a deeper investigation. There is not only a broad spectrum of publications (among others, the books of Zecharia Sitchin) that deal with the topic in detail but also innumerable channelings (e.g., Nancy Lieder/ZetaTalk) and reports of whistleblowers (e.g., Robert Dean), who claim that the Nibiru scenario is in the center of the cataclysmic cycles of the Earth.

Insider Leaks Anglo-Saxon Mission

Insider Leaks Anglo-Saxon Mission

Do whistleblowers have anything to contribute to the hypothesis? Indeed they have. One of the last videos Bill Ryan of Project Camelot released before he was pressured to abandon his alternative media ambitions was the “Anglo-Saxon Mission.” In 2010, Bill Ryan interviewed a high-level whistleblower who talked about a scenario that confirmed the core of the Phoenix hypothesis. According to his account, the System was planning pandemic lockdowns and geostrategic conflicts before 2005 to prepare humanity for a cosmic event.

What can Seers tell us about the Pole Shift?

What can Seers tell us about the Pole Shift?

This article is the fourth part of the argumentation of my core thesis, which goes deeper into the phenomena of current global crises related to Earth changes that Nibiru or Planet X might trigger and how it was predicted in European Prophecy. Accordingly, this article is just an extract from the more extensive assertion. Therefore, I suggest you read my Phoenix Hypothesis before you go into detail regarding the precognition of seers and prophets.

Spiritual Consideration regarding the Phoenix

Spiritual Consideration regarding the Phoenix

From a holistic point of view, the cyclic reset is a paradigm shift that many cultures know about because they have preserved comparable concepts in their mythological heritage. Even the highly manipulated major religions are waiting for an all-encompassing change. Christianity believes in rapture at the end of time, and among Muslims, we find a similar proposition in the Hadith. But also, much older traditions speak of such an event in the context of a change of consciousness, which is connected with a physical change in life.

The Cassandra Hypothesis

The Cassandra Hypothesis

This article, called the Cassandra Hypothesis, sketches a holistic hypothesis regarding global transformation in a context of an impending pole-shift scenario. My interpretation of the current situation transcends the common alternative explanations surrounding “The Great Reset” and the “Cue” narrative. Based on this theory, those explications contain some core “truth” but can still be considered limited hangouts or psyops to lead people off the tracks. The Cassandra Hypothesis is for individuals who understand that something more profound is happening behind the curtain of reality but can’t quite put their finger on it.

The Yin and Yang of Vaccination

The Yin and Yang of Vaccination

At the beginning of 2020, we witnessed an unprecedented polarization of the collective consciousness. There were already splits in the human psyche before, like the very different perspectives on how you can interpenetrate the events of 9/11. Still, this division of reality is different and more significant. Before the so-called pandemic unfolded, it was easy to navigate around those controversial topics in daily life when interacting with other people, but that has profoundly changed.

The Greater We Set

The Greater We Set

With the following article, we would like to present our proposal for dealing with and mitigating the effects of the Great Reset. We are right in the middle of a tremendous transformation that will change society and, subsequentially, the world in its essence. While most conscious people aware of this fact don’t like the new layout presented to us by the New World Order, we might instead start to think of an alternative approach and use this chance to sketch our design on how we would prefer to proceed into the next chapter of human evolution.

Manifest of our Reality

Manifest of our Reality

This Secret TV Article is still a work in progress since I like to present a sort of Manifest of our Reality. This core article is supposed to outline my framework of reality and Company Values. Since I believe that we live in a sophisticated VR game with distinct rules, I feel I need to elaborate on such outlandish claims. Anyhow, here you got a kind of beta-version of our philosophical foundation and roots of our beliefs that shaped who we are today. We will keep updating this document since evolution never sleeps Please enjoy.

The Hidden Hand Interview

The Hidden Hand Interview

The following article will analyze the Hidden Hand Interview or Dialogue on Above Top Secret in 2009. My approach to guiding you into the material is to tell you about my history, getting closer to the fundamental topic the ATS insider disclosed some intimate details about—the Illuminati. This alleged secret society is a very polarizing concept. If you tend to believe in a supra-national structure controlling the world, you will soon find yourself in another jungle of assumptions and myths.

Back To The Future and 9/11

Back To The Future and 9/11

Anyone who has seen and understood the 12-minute film linked in this article should recognize that September 11th or 9/11 is subliminally coded into the entire trilogy. However, the third and final part of “Back to the Future” was first screened more than ten years before 9/11. Of course, as a skeptic, you might convince yourself that this is just a coincidence of epic proportions. Still, denial should be considered a form of cognitive dissonance. A serious examination of these correlations represents a complex challenge to each linear and causal-minded materialist.

The Best Censored Videos in 2020

The Best Censored Videos in 2020

In the early stages of the outbreak, an alliance between WHO and the big tech companies was formed. The stated joint mission was to prevent Fake News from endangering public health. I have to admit that I felt some sympathy for that approach even though I knew how dangerous this is for a free society. Back then, I was convinced that the situation was indeed as bad as it has been portrayed by MSM. This perception shifted, and what remains is pure astonishment about the harsh censorship that got established.

Could The Matrix Be Real?

Could The Matrix Be Real?

Many people might believe that the basic idea of a Matrix emerged in this modern age. Many may think that the idea that we could live in virtual reality has been established within the collective consciousness of eponymous Hollywood films. This notion is not true at all! The concept that we live in a virtual construct is ancient. Already the ancient Indian civilization had this fundamental concept in its Vedic scriptures, which they called “Maya.” Maya means the cosmic illusion that deceives us from our actual reality.

Escaping Time-Loops

Escaping Time-Loops

This is another article that I feel is an essential message from a dear friend. Dieter Broers is a highly respected author and philosopher from Germany. For many years he was a great mentor to me. When we worked together on a movie project called “(R)evolution 2012,” which you can watch on Gaia TV, I learned all the fundamentals concerning the essential mysteries of our reality. This article comes from his private website, and until he choices to release an English version, I will translate the following message to the best of my abilities.

Discover the mystery of the Illuminati Card Game and how this deck predicted events in the past. Does it foreshadow the future?

Revolution 2012 | Documentary

Solar Revolution had a precursor! In 2009, I directed a documentary film called (R)evolution 2012 with Dieter Broers and producer Christoph Lehmann. This project got later updated and renamed the “Solar Revolution.” The movie had a tremendous impact on various circles. The documentary Revolution 2012 is available here to the full extent. Watch the entire film below.

Nassim Haramein Lecture

Secret TV Suggestion Nassim Haramein presents a whole paradigm in physics that our world is developing. It is a picture in which information and processes are no longer isolated from each other because they are interwoven in a complex network of an interconnected...

SIRIUS by Dr. Steven Greer

Secret TV Suggestion Sirius! This documentary had a significant impact. It deals with the notion that Earth has been visited by advanced Inter-Stellar Civilizations that can travel through other dimensions faster than the speed of light. They use secret energy...

The Secret History (Spirit Science)

Secret TV Recommendation The following Youtube video is a classic documentary from the “Spirit Science” series. This sequence describes an alternative perspective on our earth’s secret history, as we won’t hear it in school. The sources the series refers to are pretty...

Zeitgeist The Movies

Secret TV Suggestion Zeitgeist is a classic! It is a film produced by Peter Joseph. This documentary deals with several conspiracy theories about Christianity, the attacks of September 11th, 2001, and the connection between the financial world and the...

Home – The Movie

The Matrix is Magnificant We are living in dramatic times. Some scientists warn us that we have less than ten years to change how we live, significantly reduce the exploitation of natural resources, and stop the dangerous influence on Earth’s climate induced by...

THRIVE: What On Earth Will It Take?

Secret TV Suggestion With “Thrive – What on Earth will it take?” another film reveals “the truth, “ which is withheld from humanity. Thrive has all major ideas combined in one film – something like a summary of many of his predecessors. In about two hours, the...
Secret TV Logo Alternative Television


The content I provide on this website is targeted to draw a bigger philosophical picture. During my studies into the mysteries of the universe, I concluded that everything emerges from a singularity. We are all one consciousness only divided by a concept called “death.” There is only one single sentient being that manifests in different shapes and densities. Separation is just an illusion – and so is the time!


The Oneness experiences itself in a self-created Matrix or “Maya,” as it is called in Sanskrit. In essence, it is a kind of quantum simulation with distinct rules and laws. Some people might talk about a game. It’s like a stable dream in which we strive to gain higher consciousness on our path to our common source. Inside this Matrix are various layers of control and delusion. We need to overcome this construct to explore our true potential. The content of this website should be beneficial to soften the constraining limitations of our minds.


Please be aware: This summary is just a simple representation of my point of view. There is no absolute truth in anything human-made. Hence, the reality is multidimensional and multiversal. I like to advise you to use your discernment to decide what information is valid and useful to you If you are interessted to get a more profound understanding of the bigger picture, we offer Holistic Foresight Consulting. Namasté!

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