
The Matrix Hypothesis

Christian Köhlert ‘s The Matrix Hypothesis explores the question whether we find ourselves in a virtual construct that serves a spiritual evolutionary process. The author examines the classical philosophies that support such a paradigm, from the Vedic scriptures to Hermeticism and the Platonic worldview. To what extent does the idea of a matrix coincide with the paradoxes of modern science, which we find in non-locality and wave-particle dualism?

Extension of the Phoenix Hypothesis

Why is the world becoming increasingly bizarre? In his first book, “The Phoenix Hypothesis”, Christian Köhlert postulated that we cannot understand the connections between the ever-increasing crises and geopolitical and religious polarizations if we do not recognize the reset cycles. These are recurring transformation processes that have always determined life on Earth. In this new work, the author goes one step further and claims that we cannot fully understand the play on the collective stage if we do not also question the physical reality.

Thus, The Matrix Hypothesis is the logical spiritual continuation of the first publication. Under the premise that our seemingly physical reality is only a spiritual construct, many anomalies and oddities can be integrated into a holistic explanatory model. From this perspective, controversial phenomena such as historical paradoxes, the Mandela effect or recurring mystical experiences take on a whole new meaning.

The author takes you on a personal journey of how he discovered the Enigma. He talks about how the most important pieces of the puzzle fell into his lap. He explains in detail the evidence that convinced him that we all play a crucial role in this matrix. The madness on the collective stage therefore has a deeper meaning than the purely rational mind can grasp.


The Author

Christian Köhlert is a media artist, author and practitioner of creative homeopathy. He graduated in industrial design with a focus on interface design in 2005. A few years before graduating, he began producing documentaries and researching alternative perspectives on life. In 2008, he became editor-in-chief of Secret TV, the first commercial online channel dedicated to conspiracy theories and specialized content. During this time he produced the film (R)evolution 2012with Dieter Broers and Christoph Lehmann.

Buy & Order Book

The Matrix Hypothesis Mockup

The German version of the book, The Matrix Hypothesis, can now be ordered directly from Osiris Verlag. Publication date: April 21, 2024, 416 pages, categories: Science, Philosophy and Spirituality. The English version with the title “The Matrix Hypothesis” is now also available on Amazon.

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