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Jabfugee's Ark - The Alternative to the Great Reset

Jabfugee’s Ark

“An Alternative to the Great Reset”


— Creating Intentional Communities—

About the Jabfugee’s Ark

This website is dedicated to all people aware of the current global transformation, which is coined by the WEF the “Great Reset.” With Jabfugee’s Ark, we like to connect like-minded individuals looking for alternative bubbles of reality, self-sustainable communities, and retreats from the new AI-controlled layout of society. For most people, this includes bypassing and evading the global “Vee” program, about which no one ever shall express a negative opinion.

For the very purpose of connecting people with coherent perspectives on reality and a like-minded vision for the future, we like to present projects that could help establish independent communities that emancipate themselves from the System as much as possible. The focus lies on self-sustainability and liberating from mainstream society or all other external structures as much as possible.

In times of growing uncertainties, these intentional communities offer insurance even in a social meltdown event or phases of energy, food, or supply shortages. Therefore, we like to feature projects that serve as safety netting. These fall-back positions are geared to selfgenerate all necessities that you would need to thrive through a situation that many other people would consider a catastrophe.

— Christian Köhlert

Principal of Mayamagik LLC

Brett’s Ark in Costa Rica

Intentional Community close to Dominical, Costa Rica I came to Costa Rica at the invitation of Brett, who already contacted me in 2020. Independently, we concluded early that year that the world could be shifting towards a new paradigm which in many details seemed not...

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