
How Life Pushed Me Into A New Paradigm

by | Spiritual Van Life

— Spiritual Van Life Story | Part 6 —

Space on my stage of life

Sometimes you have accomplished something special in life. For example, you finished a particular apprenticeship or mastered a specific degree. After you get handed out that diploma from the university, it seems like a big object disappears from your stage of life. The burden of scholarship usually takes a big chunk of your resources; when it is gone, space is all that remains.

This same achievement can create a void or even a vacuum that wants to be filled. The same applies to the end of a significant relationship that took a lot of room. Some of those sweeping stage events are emotionally painful; others are liberating. However, it is said that the wise man doesn’t recognize this as a misfortune; instead, he is always aware of the chances such a situation comprises.

See you later, Montreux.

After my stage in Montreux, Switzerland had been more or less cleansed, I got plenty of space that wanted to be rearranged. Even though I struggle with emotional attachments, I can still see my situation’s possibilities. In my case, everything vanished quickly. My relationships with certain people, my job, and my living situation got flushed from my stage of life in the blink of an eye – at least, everything turned into an undefined quantum space.

To make things worse: I fell in love with a married woman. It is more complicated than that, but let’s keep it simple. So I even had to leave an unsolved situation with essential people I loved dearly. You could say that important items on my stage got pushed to the side. Some fell off, and others remained to be rearranged at a later point in time. It is not the ideal circumstance to leave like that, but still, it seemed like the most feasible way to do it. The question is: What to do next?

Monteux Switzerland Photography
Photo of Montreux, Switzerland

From Canada to South America

Maybe it was my subconscious mind planned. Perhaps my intention to go to Canada caused all that jazz, but subsequently, I started a process I had already figured out was the best thing to do in such a case: traveling! Don’t get me wrong – I don’t mean to take two weeks off to fly to some random place with beach and palm trees to calm my mind. No, I am talking about roaming a whole continent to get my life straight. Or, even better: to make it as it should be. The trick is that you have the power to define what you are attracting to your stage of life.

So now I am in Medicine Hat in Canada to go on my mission to rearrange my life situation. I know that the current situation didn’t happen by coincidence. It is apparent that I consciously asked life for it, to be able to leave my reality bubble in Montreux for a while to observe it from a distance and see the flaws in it that need to be redefined. It’s always more challenging to detect that specific taint that bothers you deep inside as long as you are trapped in the context.

The meaning of synchronicity

Many people know that nothing happens by chance – this is also my creed. So-called “coincidences” are determined by a higher mechanism and can be manipulated by the power of consciousness. Not every individual is the same. Some people might be bound to a strict karmic destiny and a particular life path; others seem more accessible. Maybe they are more detached from standard mental imprints that limit their creativity to imagine themselves in alternative situations. As I would call it: they can imagine themselves at a different stage of life.

Techniques to control reality

I feel like a free spirit in that regard. Even though I cannot bypass the free will of others without consequences, I can use my own free will. There are hundreds of books about this topic: choosing the content for your life stage or controlling what you attract.

Some techniques are more simple, and others are more complex, but the core principles are always the same. Only by trying you figure out what strategy serves you best and which allows you to improve in this regard. By detecting and understanding the different imprints you were unaware of, you can rule out the typical errors that sabotage your endeavor to thrive.

Co-creation and manifestation

I have read a couple of books about those techniques, and after a while of trial and error, I could demonstrate a high percentage of target goals achieved quickly. So now I call myself officially “transsurfing” the waves of space and time. The good thing is that I can honestly say that I have always realized what I have longed for in the last four years. The drawback was always the same: certain circumstances popped up that made it evident that this reality or this setup at my stage of life was not sustainable. Maybe that is because of a karmic background program or because my mind was already focusing on a different layout.

Of course, the transition between the “now,” your old stage, and the “now,” your new stage, always consumes linear time. In that delay, many things can happen, or it just gets boring, which causes your focus to shift. I don’t know for sure, so I still need to figure that out. Maybe it is just God telling me that I might be a co-creator, but he is still helping me find a higher purpose rather than nurturing profane desires.

Change is the nature of life.

Others would say that constant change is the very nature of life itself. Everything is in a flow, and resisting the flow is a form of unconscious death. You are not physically dead—there is no death. Physical dying is just another transition to a different stage with a new set of rules – it is a true paradigm shift. The only temporary recurrent death we should fear is the standstill, the deadlock, or the stagnancy. So it seems that a constant change, whether consciously chosen or picked with unawareness and fear, is the natural flow of life.

Death in this context means a habit of always trying to avoid everything that could endanger or even shake the status quo of your stage. Such routine, the inability to let go of a specific setup or stage play, creates suffering. From this point of view, the aspect of stoicism or the equanimity described in the Zen tradition is the only true path to finding inner peace and a form of stability in this reality we call life. Achieving this ability to “not judge” is not a disciplinary measure for your mind. It can only arise from the deep inner understanding that everything is one.

The epiphany of singularity

The concept of singularity or oneness is not just an old eastern philosophy – it is a quantum physical certainty. You see: It gets complicated! Improving the capabilities of consciously creating your reality is a delicate and complex art. I am not claiming I am the best at it. Some people have mastered more mysteries of the universe, but I can tell you about my path, and maybe that inspires you and other people to improve their skills to co-create inside this marvelous reality we call life.

Sharing this travel blog

I like to honestly share all the lectures and epiphanies that came along my way in this travel blog. Some come from my past; I might have to repeat other sections on my journey with Jens. So please be welcome to join us on our magical mystery tour through North and South America.

This was my general background story of this venture, but as I mentioned before, I am not alone. An old friend, who initiated this endeavor, is the mastermind behind the concept of traveling with a camper. I hope that Jens will share his background story along this journey.

About the Author

Hello. My name is Christian Köhlert. I am a therapist, author, designer, and producer of digital content. I live primarily in Vauderens, in the canton of Fribourg, Switzerland. I have always been fascinated by the mysteries of life and have spent many years studying a wide range of subjects, from hermeticism to quantum physics. I am publishing the essence of my research on this site.

Christian Koehlert Founder of Mayamagik


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