
Shortfilm USA, Switzerland & New Zealand

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Travel Film production

In 2014/15, I traveled worldwide for several different film projects. Some were commercial productions others were made privately or were kept for internal use only. I had been just in beautiful spots on some occasions, so I decided to take some experimental footage. The best scenes and impressions are put together in one clip as a showreel.

Impressions from a random Journey

About the Author

Hi, my name is Christian Köhlert, and I am a therapist, author, and digital content creator living in Montreux, Switzerland. I was always interested in what is usually framed as the “occult, esoteric, hermetic philosophies, and conspiracy theories.”

After I became chief editor of Secret TV, Germany’s first pay-TV channel for fringe topics, I evolved as part of the counter culture of alternative media. Even though I am not active anymore, I am still an observer with a massive network of “professional skeptics.” Accordingly, I use my insider knowledge and offer holistic consulting about my writing topics. I am also working as a Creative Homeopath and give online consultations.

Christian Koehlert Founder of Mayamagik


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"The Phoenix Hypothesis" Book

What if what is happening on the world stage is neither coincidence nor madness - but everything is going according to plan? Christian Köhlert, a connoisseur of the truth movement, ties together alternative theories and whistleblower statements to form an overall picture.

The book, which is dubbed "a holistic “Conspiracy Theory” about the current state of crisis, advanced ancient civilizations, and cataclysmic cycles," is available on Amazon now. Order your paper copy or Kindle download today!

Phoenix Hypothesis book sale

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